LARGE SCALE MINE PORDUCTION vs ENERGY COSTSAs mentioned in previous posts,
Redstone Mill is not far away from the Carlang flagship deposit - 5.3 billion lbs of nickel.
Redstone Mill apparently is inested in, EVNI.
But what if it's just an investment ?
Here is where contingency plans create beneficial options.
If one opens Google maps and finds Lagmuir mine, one will also see - Langmuir road.
Going north - one will see a river intersecting the road.
Based on size of road - i figure the river might span a good - 8 -12 meters in width.
Name of river - not sure.
Depth - not sure - some sections did appear deeper.
But, i did track it going southerly - did see some section with - white wash.
Which indicates - river has a good flow rate.
As the river runs south - it does appear to come closer to the main - Carlang deposit.
Why even mention this ?
POWER for plant operations.
If one made thier own power, it would compartmentalize with in the - capex.
An initial cost that - overtime - pays for itself.
Aside of intial equipt costs -
Run Costs - usually revolve aroud - labor, reagents, power to operate
Dealing in large scale production moving mega tonnage, power is essential and can eat into
run costs driving up the costs per each tonne processed.
What did i come across that is cutting edge and produces very green energy ?
There are several designs...
But here is one that is quite impressive.
What's so amazing is,
Portable = Not fixed.
Used for just the timeframe of - minelife.
Would cut power costs down - incredibley, which translates into,
a major cost structure that can be reduced to minimum.
This would create a vantage over other - miners - who buy their power direct.
Thus... contributing a major cost savings over life of mine.
Which transfers into - increased profits - especially dealing with mega tonnages being milled
or moved in mine extraction circuit..
Having one's own free power inwhich " initial costs '
are factored - over mine life, could mean, mass reduction of run costs.
Non permanent installation.
Once mining is completed.
Unit is uninstalled.
It also opens the doors for - indifferent extractions - such as,
- high power consumption - microwaving of - sulphide ores.
- no reagents
- high micro power metls the minerals to create a - metal concentrate.
Froth and flock the silicates...
And microwave the - remaining minerals into a - high end concentrate.
An idea.
Having an edge over peer competitors is imperitive...
All about moving tonnage, minimizing costs, bottom line profits.