Racketeering.Notice to all szls investors. Message board pump and dump, and short and distort schemes, generate millions of dollars in profit every year. Every single price spike you've seen on the szls chart since near inception had these same idiots pumping straight into those selloffs, followed by plummets orchestrated by the selling and shortsale by those very same people, who then switch over to their troll accounts and relentlessly attack the company investors to drive the share value through the floor for their buy back, only for them to switch back again to their main pump accounts to repeat, and repeat, and repeat. Up and down and up and down. Across the internet, on any message board they can find they've done this, it's professional shill work and highly illegal racketeering organized crime that use these chat rooms to enhance trading profits from manipulating investor sentiment. These chat rooms are an underegulated space that haven't had a serious crack down yet but it's coming. Until then, do not believe a word they write, even things they share that are legitimate are purely for their self interest to encourage you to buy in an effort to drive the price up, or discourage you from buying or encourage selling to drive the price down, not a single post here is for your benefit, they are purely for trading profit at your expense.