Less than 40 gateways required Heres what you are NOT getting , if you add up all of the New York venues thats less than 40 systems.
Lets not forget each venue has its own security manager and its own boss. MSG Financial has ZERO SAY on operations so likely half of those entrances may not see a PATSCAM system
So lets play LOTTO , lets say MSG venues award 40 Gateways... By the time you deduct all the discount they will want etc , you have MAYBE a net profit of a monthly burn from then sales.
Evolv are doing that number in 3 weeks on average with Johnson Controls International.
I remember the same nonsense around Cisco, March Networks, Cramer, Where is Raytheon guys, not bought a solitray ONE ?
The direct competitor to PATSCAM is the CEIA Opengate. $17K a piece and far easier to use than PATSCAM .