RE:François Trahan et l’apocalypse économique Some investing truths:
-to beat taxes and inflation, you need to own stocks
-overall mkt timing is impossible to consistently achieve
-almost unlikely is beating the averages thru individual stk selection
Therefore, by far the greatest odds of success is getting in and staying with a well-diversified stk portfolio approach, such as thru low-cost ETFs like SPY. The longer you stay with this approach, the greater the chance of success.
The exceptions to this approach are few. They include:
-superior information. Musk, Gates, even Buffett used that to their extreme advantage. When you own a company or are in senior mgmt, you get to see company info earlier and deeper than the other investors.
-situations with substantially reduced investor competition. I believe that BBD was and still largely is in this category. Here in the US, for example, nobody's heard of the company nor stock. And in Canada, both were strongly criticized and the stock shunned. Hence the opportunity. Be one of the few to be open to the story, seeing an impressive turn-around shaping up when others are not longer looking. So, you get in at a low price, then ride the waves up as others start listening to the story, acknowledge a lot of positives, and start putting their money in, too.