RE:Weird Market this morning !Raff, you Ask??...People are still hesitating in investing in FL! Why? Fundamentals are great......what are we missing ?
Fundamentals only go so far in this business of "the right actions speak volumes"
Input by hitadatlith and greennugget have suggested reasons: hitadatlith.....tortoise like speed management
Greennugget...we are missing competent management team.
As well, margin and others have emphasized the reality that Frontier Lithium still hasn't solved the Bridge and Gravel road "Hold-up" to access the Lithium minesite??
With probably one of the top Lithium assets globally and Volkswagen knows it least Oliver Blume's CEO predecessors (Mathias Mueller and likely H. Diess) are aware of FL's Lith discoveries; it is difficult to understand that during the decade of drilling these Lithium mines, Frontier incapable of "co-ordinating" the development of a bridge and gravel road in the middle of nowhere without any degree of traffic.
Bridges have been built in this Country across the most rugged terrain for decades & decades & hundred++ years.
Perhaps the 1st hiree or mouth to feed at FL should have been a "civil" college graduate, (please no MBA's or phD's) and Frontier could have been moving major equipment "production" components to the site years ago.