Why is it still halted?Why was it halted at all? Going to be interesting to see what happens when the halt comes off. This news while supposedly good was already taken into account in the stock price before when Zinc8 erroneously announced it before it was formally approved? Now with big fanfare they halt the stock to announce the approval which changes nothing. The stock should have been halted when they made the first announcement of these monies when the money was not yet approved. What a joke. This news may temporarily stop the free fall but when the hype wears off and the newbies are done eating up the bs it will continue it's free fall. Fact is Zinc8 still does not even have a working product so what exactly are they going to manufacture. If Zinc8 has a working product the onus is Zinc8 to prove it. Shareholders should be demanding it as so far every instance of a so-called demo or prototype has either been a failure or did not happen. Surrey House was the biggest of the pump and dumps so far. Total and complete bs.