RE:RE:Want I80 to go up? DO SOMETHING!! Write them! Of course they would have to cut a deal with EQX...that's my point entirely. EQX needs money...IAU sells off some asset, borrows, does its own offering, sells a stream or raise the funds to buy from EQX all the shares they control. They then retire them, do a share consolidation, get control of our destiny and work their plan. I80 then has no overhang, has a better share structure and removes outside influences.
The EQX short seller relationship isn't anything EQX orchestrated but if you were one of the crooked Canadian banks handling the share sale and you just happened to let it slip that a big sale was coming....get my drift now? The underwriters know well in advance that EQX is going to sell you honestly think they wouldn't short the stock in advance of that?
Go read what I wrote again more completly misunderstood