NO fluff here but milman can’t answer If FSD lucid MS trials target multiple sclerosis
please teach us how is this disease modifying therapy different than most conventional a ma drugs on the market today ?
Why do most of most drugs focus on the immune system? How is Lucid MS different from the drugs currently on market? How long does phase 1 trials take in Canada , is it cheaper to do trials in Canada or USA ?
out of the $3.6 million spent on share buyback program how much of that were naked shorts able to milk and extract from fsd Pharma? Will they be able to find the naked shorts particularly CIBC on ceo website we see cibc selling mostly which hedge fund associated with cibc , can fsd make the naked shorting stop ?
these are things investors want to know but You don't have the capacity or intelligence to answer and only focus on fluff
Please reply and state positive and negative facts