Calibre vs I-80 GoldI recently read an article recommending I-80 Gold (IAU). It is located 100% in Nevada. It produced less than half of what CXB's NV operation did in gold oz's (about 21k oz.)The cost about $1150 an oz.. They lost almost $60Mil in 2022. They just raised $65mm by issuing 8% converible debentures in a complicated arrangement with Sprott that is to be paid in gold.
i80Gold | i80Gold I saw nothing really special about then other than being in the super safe State of NV, the same jurisdiction the Pan mine is located but IAU producing far less gold. And has a lot of debt and is losing a lot of $. Looking at I-80, it appears to me that CXB got a super deal on the US assets they purchased and should have lowered the risk to the company but appears not much..
SO WHY IS THE MARKET CAP FOR IAU OVER $200mILC MORE THAN CBX? Pretty obvious the extreme country risk, that the market places on Nicaragua.
Which brings up a question? How much less of a country risk do you think Nicaragua is to a Chinese Company? Would the best deal for CBX stakeholder be the Investment Banker/Founder/Chairman of CXB to try and broker a sale to a Chinese buyer at some point as I do not see country risk declining anytime soon and if CXB's entire operation were in NV I would think it would be a $10 stock or more..