RE:RE:RE:RE:compilation of chatgpt robot messages...
Damn1212 wrote: So Max Bill Rich
What would you possibly like to discuss on this Nexoptic stock discussion board?
Discuss company projects in Past and their total failures ? Nope you dont want
Discuss Lack of Revenue ? Nope you dont want
Discuss the Possibility of bankruptcy since company has no capital ? Nope you Dont want
Discuss the Lack of Guidance ? Nope you dont want
Discuss the Company`s use of the word Clients when it has none ? Nope you dont want
Discuss the Share price collpase from 1.20$ to 6 cents ? Nope you dont want
So Tell us , What are you willing to discuss about Nexoptics ?
Let's discuss how some hijackers are determined to undermine everything about nxo. It's business, it's people, and its shareholders. Real ones. Not the bash gang.
Let's explore what the possible purpose is for posting literally 1000s of the same defamatory derogatory comments?
why would anyone relentlessly, continuously, twist every comment ever made by anyone so as to gaslight the subject into the most negative light possible? And then complain no one will respond?
who wouldn't respond and refute the constant barrage from multi usernames (damn12,jameson,tony) over multi platforms (s/h, ceo, yahoo, f/b) ?? All with the most obvious purpose of driving the stock to zero and driving all opposing opinion away.
let's discuss why wouldn't the company sue all of the above platforms, and more, to release the identity to counter the attacks, seek a restraining order, and possibly sue for defamatory libel ? That would be a satisfactory use of very limited shareholder resources.
let's discuss what possible inexplicable explanation there is for any shareholders with millions of shares to , not just watch, but gleefully join in, the collapse of the stock price despite losing $millions? And why do they insist everyone except themselves are 100% responsible for their own 90% plus loss?
why are we outraged when there is yet another mass shooting, yet guns are easier to buy than a 6 pack and a couple joints.
1] you should have sold. accept it.
2] guns kill people. Not ONLY guns but ....More guns=more dead people.
More and more and more and 1000s more bashing posts = lower stock
or at the very least, does NOT = higher stock
every shareholder should dispute and challenge disinformation posts, defamatory posts, derogatory posts, and outright lies made with ulterior motives. This very much applies to the perpetrator of said posts.
— Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” Martin Luther King Jr.
"silence, even from good people, enables evil, “ ...
That, dearest damn1212,jameson,aquabush,tony is why any poster, especially shareholders, won't tolerate your behavior. Discuss.