CURA RSI Very Low at 23I haven't seen the CURA RSI this low as it's very oversold. It's at 23 and anything close to 30 is oversold. Mind you, the geniuses at CURA haven't helped this stock at all with their incompetence in being able to deliver financial statements converted to US GAAP.
The CFO should be fired for this because the conversion of the financial statements is not new, knew well in advance, would have provided management with date to finalize and present. Then the CFO realizes the statements aren't ready and has no idea when they will be, but technically have to be done by end of April.
How can the Board and management have any cofidence in the CFO, but watch at the presentation of the statements, how much praise Boris and the CEO will bestow on the CFO for all his incredible effort in converting and delivering the BS.