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E3 Lithium Ltd V.ETL

Alternate Symbol(s):  EEMMF

E3 Lithium Ltd. is a Canada-based lithium resource company. The Company is focused on commercial development of lithium extraction from brines contained in its mineral properties in Alberta. The Company’s Clearwater Project is located between Red Deer and Calgary in Alberta. Its Direct Lithium Extraction (DLE) on-exchange technology uses a sorbent designed to be selective towards lithium ions. Its technology reduces volumes of low-grade brine into a high-grade lithium concentrate, removing nearly all impurities. This produces a clean product for the development of high purity lithium compounds used in Li-ion batteries. The Company has measured and indicated lithium resources in Canada, with 16.2 million tons (Mt) measured and indicated Lithium Carbonate Equivalent (LCE), hosted in the Leduc Aquifer. In addition, it has 0.9 Mt of inferred mineral resources in its Rocky Area.

TSXV:ETL - Post by User

Post by Shackle12on Apr 03, 2023 8:49am
Post# 35375713

Something to watch?

Something to watch?Def not doom and gloom on my part, but it is somethin to watch.

In Part...BEIJING, March 24 (Reuters) - China's lithium prices are plunging faster than expected this year, down 34% in the last four weeks alone, hit by a slump in demand for electric vehicles in the world's biggest market that has left stocks of the metal piling up.

BEIJING, March 31 (Reuters) - China's top lithium producers agreed this week to set a floor price of 250,000 yuan ($36,380) per tonne of lithium carbonate, six people familiar with the matter said, in an effort to slow a plunge in the price of the battery raw material.

always DD advised

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