GREEEENNN LOL. Yah small vol but hey 2.5 ask now 3 and solid at 573k and was saying that to a bud and yup 6 weeks from drilling to assays say we going to get warmed up and volume will definitly increase . As for the mods next door well post on the stock and step away from the spam works for me Negative Nancys and one of are own longs took 7 days on the chin to defend the stock thank you . You know who you are bud.. Will be doing the same here talking stock and sharing information and speaking of that Tom,s latest email today gives me the impression hes pumped and even told me to pace myself so yup he watches these boards and theres a LOT coming. . Exciting times are coming longs . Focus on the info not the noise because the drills will be making plenty of noise and assays ??BOOOOMM Long Bay Cheers.