Halted As SP correctly stated the cease trade order is just temporary , just like life is temporary.....
But that doesn't mean everything stops and also doesn't mean that they can't update us regarding things they said, if that's the outcome it's because they're using it as an excuse to stay silent
So how about an update on how they are going to fill those previously announced purchase agreements when they have no capacity to produce a product?
"By obtaining letters of intent to purchase product once full commercial production comes online"
And when would that be?
They must have some kind of estimated date.
Who is going to sign an LOI without having any idea of when it will be filled?
While they're at it, they can update us as to their announcement that they have "licensing packages".
How exactly does that work and when will that happen?
"The value of our technical and software upgrades gives Western Magnesium the ability to have a full package solution for the licensing of our technology in the near future."
They have always been very good at dropping optimistic, but vague in details announcements of things that look like they could produce revenue, but they never follow up (like the 100,000 metric ton per year mega plant being built in Ohio)
Is that just a coincidence or is it intentional?