Journey Energy procides 2023 guidanceThere is a lengthy guidance issued today, as a news release.
It is a good read.
I like Journey's very practical and matter-of-fact leadership style. As there is a pipeline shortage and therefore low prices for gas landlocked in Alberta and Saskatchewan, JOY.t is buying gas powered electrical stations and fueling them with their gas. The gas is worth much more this way.
It is the vertical integration that most would shun but it works and I think it is a very smart decision.
The company also has some wisdom around financing that is detailed in their report. Flexibility is key when gas and oil prices are fluctuating - a reality in these times.
It's an aggressive, wise player in a difficult space. It also creates complicated confusion for those who want to be able to follow a simple flow of cash.
It goes against the grain, but I think they are building value.