RE:Current production I briefly looked but couldn't find an obvious one. I do know BNE speak with many companies logically in the Cardium area but never heard them about the Montney/Kelt. Though I would imagine George Fink has contact with everyone.
But the biggest evidence is the well: why licence it if there's no involvement? It at least shows intent.
WCP & CPG are pivotting to more gas because the well economics are improving and if you check AECO futures strip over the mid term a significant rise is expected that will transform well economics. Both WCP & CPG can use their oily free cash flow to invest in more liquids/gassy growth, drill inventory & reserves. Montney wells are prolific. Check Kelt's IP365 BOE in their presentation: the La Glace area is ~820 boed/d 62% liquids. Way better than Cardium wells. Now the only other factor is drill cost and in that same presentation you see La Glace is in upper montney, which should help cost.
Simple math would be that given BNE's small float they wouldn't need such a big acreage to have similar effects.
Don't know if any deal happens but worth a call to inquire if you know management and have had contact before.
Cheers, R.