RE:Same Board Members in 2023 as in 2022Wrong! .. At the June 16, 2022 AGM six (6) directors were elected yet ONCY appointed seven (7) directors in 2022 with the retirement of one (1) and the appointment of two (2), namely Parsons during the June 2022 AGM and then Jonathan Rigby was appointed to the board on September 07, 2022. So it appears that ONCY is not always accountable to its shareholders, OR what its sharesholders vote on.
On a vote by ballot, the six nominees proposed by the Corporation were elected as Directors of Oncolytics to serve until the Corporation's next Annual Meeting of Shareholders or until their successors are elected or appointed, with shares represented at the meeting voting in favor of individual nominees as follows:
Director | For | % | Withheld | % |
Deborah M. Brown | 5,112,608 | 69.85 % | 2,206,718 | 30.15 % |
Matthew C. Coffey | 5,096,168 | 69.63 % | 2,223,158 | 30.37 % |
Angela Holtham | 5,145,846 | 70.30 % | 2,173,480 | 29.70 % |
James T. Parsons | 5,187,517 | 70.87 % | 2,131,809 | 29.13 % |
Wayne Pisano | 5,126,467 | 70.04 % | 2,192,859 | 29.96 % |
Bernd R. Seizinger | 5,116,321 | 69.90 % | 2,203,005 | 30.10 % |