I thinkGood Morning Folks
Allow me to quickly comment on Mr. Brownbear and Tannin’s remarks:
First to Mr. Brownbear’s narrative of his past expectations that OMH would be a ..( you fill in the blanks)
A quick summation of the facts, He royally mined us all with the royalties which should have been never allow with a trustworthy board of directors which was really never in place during his leadership. The fundamental course of the company was misdirect due to Those payments which misdirect the whole decade ..read the Seder reports and past comments here. He have zero respect for the fellow.
Mr Tannin is, in my opinion, sharing his opinion based on recent past historical frames of references and not comprehending the large picture about to swipe the entire globe. To better understand this please read Quiley’s Tragedy and Hope. I suggest this is a very well planned Global change and we have lost control of that narrative as well.
I also suggest we are not visioning the weather changes and causes which will affect us all. Trivia insight Silverns...where ever you stand this morning in NS ..approx.
10,000 years ago you would have 1.6 km of ice above your head...Wisconsin ice age...glaciers..
My Point, this is Easter Sunday..Please enjoy the time with family and friends, and prepare for circumstances no historian can actually compare to, what is next.
Here is a shared insight, the intensity of the sunlight in your lifetime....think about it, as well as the term windy.....I am certain those two share comments are worth more than anything a stock or bond will provide you .......
Fernand .... you sir know the truth and look in that direction...do not look at the NEW CEO ...he is there with an impossible task in these times...period..I suggest he and few really undertsand the large picture of truth and history and he like everyone else will soon see and experince the "changes"