RE:RE:Wound healing:Ciao wrote: What's the path to commercialization? What are the next steps to advance this?
Looks like a longer term project and may therefore be quite secretive at this early stage. First they had to understand avenanthramide and beta glucan individually and find an optimal dose as an injectable. Ultimately the possibility of using injectable avenanthramide impregnated into PGX-YBG-OBG has come to mind longer term. Beta glucan is CZO's delivery system. Perhaps PGX-YBG-OBG could further deliver avenanthramide into wounds and work synergistically as an injectable using multiple mechanisms? PGX-YBG is good for targeting macrophages which also drive wound healing. Beta glucan and avenanthramide individually improved wound healing as injectables.
What about complementing an injectable formulation with a wound dressing to further enhance wound healing? CZO has also investigated PGX-Alginate/ibuprofin wound dressing for burn healing with positive results. Finding the right combination of injectable and wound dressing is a longer term possibility. CZO is trying to prove PGX-scale up and after that is achieved perhaps wound healing will be a later use-case. An immune booster and CoQ10 may be the low hanging fruit targeted first. CZO is also working on scaling up avenanthramide production this year which may be key.