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Spectral Medical Inc T.EDT

Alternate Symbol(s):  EDTXF

Spectral Medical Inc. is a Canada-based late-stage theragnostic company advancing therapeutic options for sepsis and septic shock. The Company develops and commercializes a treatment for septic shock utilizing its Endotoxin Activity Assay (EAA) diagnostic and the Toraymyxin therapeutic (PMX). PMX is a therapeutic hemoperfusion device that removes endotoxin, which can cause sepsis, from the bloodstream and is guided by the Company’s EAA. PMX is approved for therapeutic use in Japan and Europe and has been used safely and effectively on more than 340,000 patients to date. It has pioneered the development of biochemical markers for the clinical syndrome known as septic shock. It is continuing its legacy business of manufacturing and selling certain proprietary reagents. It develops, produces and markets recombinant proteins, antibodies and calibrators. These materials are sold for use in research and development, as well as in products manufactured by other diagnostic companies.

TSX:EDT - Post by User

Post by mercedesmanon Apr 10, 2023 9:48am
Post# 35386463

I thought…

I thought…

I thought JK did an excellent job of explaining why enrolment will increase in clinical practice and once the SOC versus under the strict Trial criteria 

Which also helps to explain the underestimated EBITDA calculations and the true addressable market (300,000 to 400,000) or 2 to 3 times more than the number of patients assumed (140,000) in the EBITDA calculations. 

That plus the guided and comparable EBITDA multiples mentioned during the presentation , mean that a new SP valuation/ calculation will soon be in order  ! 

Also good to see that JK is committed to seeing this through and sees it the culmination of his life's work in Sepsis and hemoperfusion.

Excited to see what transpires in the next 12-24 months !!

Holding and strategically still accumulating based on explosive potential. 



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