ES3014 ..
You know and we know that a share price is only a measure of what it is worth on that day. Hence, we see the many stocks that go to 10 baggers in a year, or the spiral of a stock like BTR. So in investing, which some chose over gambling, you gotta keep to the plan. Sidebet has never denied that our share price has not gone down, oh it has !! So how to view it ? Well, readers know, buy more, average down, it really is the only logical option here. If you think a permitted mill of 800t/d and 3.1million ounces, tax credits worth more than our sp, a JV with a mill less partner is worth nothing ? Then move on, as Fruit should, but he does not ? wonder why is the question, but sidbet2 knows why and so do a few others. The end game is clear, and that with only having to understand the news. OSK just told us recenlty that a shiny new mill and a debt repayment is north of $820,000,000 cad. that is fact. Please confirm this Fruit ? oh, I bet he don't, oh, who cares. Then the ribbon cutting of the mill won't be until 2029, to which the expenses will add many more hundreds of millions. So it is very clear, OSK has logical choices, or illogical choices. Since the boards of these companies all read the threads, I know they know that we know. So if they could only stop embarrassing themselves and get to doing right for shareholders on both sides of BTR and OSK. its not there money anyway. Sidebet could manage Urban Barry and have it worth well over 6 billion market cap in 18 months. So you pros ? ya, you guys, can't you do even better ? Hope so !! .. My guess for the team crew is that they will appear in the days before and after the announcement that will arrive. The merger is happening, cuz it has to. git r done boyz .. we are all tired of posting ..