The elephant in the roomAll of the participants in this horizontal selective solution mining potash space have one very specific thing in common and despite their very impressive backgrounds and experience in the overall potash sector, and eye catching OPEX and CAPEX numbers theoretically based on bench testing and computer models, none to date have proven the technology can actually produce viably economic potash.
Astonishingly, the number of participants in this field are growing, all looking for financing, and all promoting very similiar extraction methods which to date have not been proven successful from an economic perspective.
Western, Padcom, Gensource, Buffalo / Continental, Evolution, Encanto and list grows each year.
Wouldnt it be impressive if all of these highly experienced potash executives / engineers / scientists / geoloigists got together one weekend in Saskatoon to formulate a feasible plan based on actual downhole science, instead of continued promotion of some really neat ideas that appear to be plausible on a bench or a computer in someones office?
Everyone involved would benefit as at the end of the day there will only be one way to tackle this 60 year old geological / scientific dissolution conundrum.
Maybe 2023 is the year!