FleetWise announced and launched in Sept 2022!!!!! Ivy staHere is FleetWise Launch Ivy work had started before their announcement in dec 2020!!!! think about that for a second. FleetWise requirements and concept and product all developed within ONE YEAR!!!
while the lazy engineers and clowns at blackberry had THREEE (3) years to launch IVY and can't seem to get the product in cars!!!!
FleetWise idea and product already launched comes way way after IVY and yet they already have 6+ customers and big ones too like BMW and Hyundai!!!!
Blackberry made a mistake by partnering exclusively with Amazon. It's possible that amazon is trying to sabatoze BB Ivy so they can add all this simple sensor collection feature to FleetWise. Or Blackberry employees are truly incompetetnt!! Lazy people at BB!!! They have no sense of urgency.
3 long years and product is still not in any cars or complete!!!! Get rid of Chen. Need someone like Elon who has sense of urgency.