Top line revenue in the coming nexrt 2 quartersProbably a double digit %revenue in the next 2 quarters and Q3 to be $ 10,8 M x 11o % or $ 12.0M and Q4 $ 12,o X 110% or $ 13 M or $ 25 M for the H2 compare to $ 19 M in the H1
A high inventories level at the momnent ( $ 10,7 M) to make sure to be able to supply the demand.Last year inventories was at ( 6,7 M )
Just to add that car counting is a good indicator and if the target to increase the top line revenue by 10 % number of cars have to increase slightlly but I can't give you the number of additional cars to add to the 80 to 85 cars average for the Q2
In summary not a bad quarter but just ''positive ''and PATIENCE is the name of the game !