Record 2022 SalesI have noticed tha several people are just reading the headlines and really not looking at Czo's overall 2022 performance 2022. Headline reading and not look at the entire article or in Czo's look at overall perall is something that many organizations and gagnon would perfer you do after all this is human nature, hell even used prophylatic falls into this trap.
Yes Czo had record sales in 2022 but if you go to the end of te yearly financials you will notice a little (very little section on Q4 results. Also note that we have also been preconditioned to the fact the traditionally Q4 results are usually poor by both gagnon and used prophylatic.
What these 2 fail and do not want you to see is that 2022 performance are strictly due to the performance of Czo in Q1 and Q2. In addition, Q3 qnd Q4 results are very disconcerning with lower sales (revenue) when compared to Q3 and Q4 in 2021. This is even though gagnon hired Siggy the new revenue officer. Also, in Q3 and Q4 is that the gross margin is down considerably.
Finally, with all the talk of what is in the pipeline what we have seen in Q3 and Q4 2022 is a drop in R&D spend. How the HE*7 can you have so much in the pipeline potential with reduced R&D. Is this just more of gagnon's failed promises?
So in a nutshell the last half of 2022 results are pi*s poor, lower revenue, increased cost and minimal r&D spend. Those are the facts when you look at the results and just not read headlines.
By the way, the stock performance this week is also an indication of what 2022 has brought us, not the headline hype by gagnon or the constant dribble by used prophylatic and ciao.
You have to ask yourself when voting at the AGM is gagnon really worth the $60,000 plus he gets per month, delays, failed promises and headline hype do not support him.