Rupert Station At the February 1st Standing Committee on City Finance and Services meeting, City staff provided an update to Council on the Rupert and Renfrew Station Area planning process. The report approved by Council updates the boundary of the Still Creek floodplain, and associated regulations. New buildings constructed in the floodplain will now need to meet the updated requirements, which primarily involve setting the minimum floor elevation for habitation, business, and storage of goods at or above the recommended Flood Construction Level outlined in the report. If you have questions about the new requirements, please contact City staff at
City staff have provided additional information to the industry on next steps. Work will continue on Phase 1 public engagement in mid-January to late February. City staff are still working to complete technical studies over the coming months, including:
- Still Creek Enhancement and Rehabilitation Study;
- Economic testing for the financial viability of different building types, sizes and locations;
- Watershed analysis;
- Traffic counts.
Please note that since the last engagement session with the development industry in May 2022, the timeline has been extended by a few months. For a summary of engagement to date, please refer to Appendix B of the Phase 1 Engagement Summary. Public engagement has resumed, and will now provide the opportunity for the development industry to identify arts, culture and heritage assets in the area, share preferences for new housing options and their potential locations, and comment on transportation improvement. A community survey is available until February 28th, 2023. For more information on public engagement opportunities, including open houses, please visit the City’s Shape Your City website for the planning process.
In April/May 2023 and September 2023 the City will organize another workshop for economic stakeholders to review some draft policies and land use regulations in the employment lands and overall plan area, before going out to the public in September 2023 with the next public engagement phase.