RE:Need Yasch and RealAloy to chime in here...Basically without full disclosure on the information which Con Chen withholds from investors, on all levels, and an underhanded book fixing magician who is working for Watsa (FFH) and not BB, how can you remotely put a price on an unknown structure?
What are the large government contracts valued at? What is the deal with the cell phone patents? What is the value of QNX and IVY?
Can you trust anything that Con Chen or Steve Rai project or forecast???
Though is it not evident that Con Chen has went to extremes to deliberately destroy value here? What extent did Con Chen and the board go to, to orchastrare the fake patent sale to sabatoge the value of the patents, and to destroy EPS, by hiding $250 million in liscencing revenue which they once again did not declare on the latest quarter and year end earnings..
So when you talk about a sale, I suggest that you clearly understand that transparency is required to give an appropriate evaluation. Which would begin with a full float/ share audit, as another Watsa Fibrek special wont go over well
BED Wetting BEN