RE:RE:RE:something nasty in the woodshed?dilution refers to the grade of ore that goes through the mill compared to the grade in the Feasibility Study and Resource estimates. The Las Chispas mine has very high grade ore but it is in relatively narrow veins. So it is possible (even likely) that as the mine ramps up to full production they will find that the most economical way to produce it is to mine wider stopes that contain more waste rock and therefore result in somewhat lower (diluted) grade through the mill. I am no mining engineer but my understanding is that for underground mines there is a trade-off between the cost of mining a ton of ore and the grade of the ore. If you want to mine only the good stuff it will cost more per ton. Part of the ramping up is to find the optimal combination. I think that this is still going to be a very profitable mine but some people may have a knee-jerk negative reaction if the AISC is higher or the grade lower that what was in the Feasibility Study.