What did the POC findings not say?If one studies the POC and pilots` comparative performance findings which pitted spectrum slicing wi-fi against single channel legacy wi-fi architrcture, it concludes that YFI was being rather polite in the manner in which it revealed its performance domination. 7-18 Xs better performance and 50 % lower latency.
Those in the know could have described the results different by also including a question which would be in reverse to the biased opinion we got from Royal.
For how many years were the service providers unwittingly being sold horse meat under the guise of being grade A beef, and to then unwittingly pawn off to their customers? Once service providers and their client end users first became aware of these results, what would you expect their reaction to be? "
Well, they obviously milked us for years during the whole time of spectrum slicing wi-fis` existence, and they never said a peep"
And when labs such as Kyrio first spilled the beans, what was RoyallyScreweds` answer for that?
"Kyrio labs is a subsidiary of Cablelabs and therefore the data can not be deemed reliable."
And after all these years can we now believe that RoyallyScrewed is, and always has been, a wolf in the sheeps clothing? Not that kind little old man tending his garden over the fence from me I hope? He is so kind and well mannered in public.