Red CliffI am back after 3 years of watching the pandemic go by from my cabin in the woods. I see MTB's partner Decade is talking about drilling Red Cliff this year. The longs will know MTB owns 35% of Red Cliff. Decade(DEC) owns the other 65%. I don't hear the word Red Cliff mentioned in any of the news releases of MTB. Are they going to pay 35% of the drilling costs? It's almost like MTB doesn't care about Red Cliff anymore. Red Cliff is the reason I got into this 12 years ago. Results of 15.24 m at 11.55 g/t and 18.45 m at 49.2 g/t are excellent findings. Why were they forgotten about? Why didn't MTB/DEC keep drilling this instead of going off in every other direction?
Maybe Rene Bernard can comment on what's wrong with Red Cliff. To me those numbers are worth looking at again.
I know GG will comment that what's wrong with Red Cliff is Decade's management but there has to be something else going on here. Those results are some of the best results I've seen over the last 12 years but everybody is just ignoring them. I think Red Cliff is where the money is. Maybe MTB can buy the other 65% of Red Cliff and look into it a bit more. Anybody feel the same way?