RE:HPQ Silicon Corporate Intro Video Si Material Production
Nice video but... far away from production..
Time to say you where wrong and only Production is going to move this stock.
Valdation still? nope they gave out samples. it's validated. Stock didn't move. You been wrong pumping this stock for 1 year about validation and you use more than 1 account.
Time to fess up. I have creditablity. I have called it on the stock and and I have been right.
Want the stock to move? they need to do a roll back. 350 mil shares outstanding is WAY to much. do a 1-8 reverse split. then list on the NASDAQ. Could be the best thing. Then they can do an easy fund raise for the 40 mil they need to build the plants to go into prodution.
Oh well. just have to wait... YEARS.... I wonder if other companys can have a return on their money with out waiting so long....