EV adoptionI an renting an EV because it was the last car Hertz had within 70 miles when my ICE unexpectedly needed engine repair. This car drives like a dream, it is so incredibly quiet, & travels like a nightmare. Took me 7 hour today to travel 240 miles doing nothing but driving & charging. Half the charging stations on the search maps aren't even open to the public. The other half require an account with their unique company before you can charge. No rolling up, swipe the card, & charge. If I were driving from NYC to LA I would need 17 new apps on my phone & 14 new accounts to get there. Americans travel to far for this to work within 10 years. I was in the Orlando suburbs , simply could not find a public charging station that did not require opening a new account. Ended up driving to Daytona. I went to Shell, surely I can charge at a major like Shell with just a card. No way. You have to open an account with Duke Energy. It takes 1 hour for a 50% charge at the fastest machines, 1.5 for the slowest fast charger. I look at all the cars on the interstate; imagine they all need to stop for a charge. Where on Earth are all these cars going to park for an hour? The gasoline station cars are in & out 1 after another in 5 minutes. We need 12 times the physical space of existing fuel stations to make EV the majority choice. Where do we put all these new fuel posts & it must be in a high traffic convenient location to be profitable? This is a logistical nightmare that will take a trillion dollars to move forward. I can imagine mall parking lots having hundreds of energy posts but how many malls are there? How many interstates have acres of vacant land at intersections for the required hundreds of posts? I am sold that EV is an awesome car, it costs me 8.3 cents per mile versus 14 for my Corolla & has no oil changes. But America simply cannot make a quick switch to EV, its impossible. Palladium & platinum will be in high demand for 15 years to come.