Nivaura's EndorsementEuromoney magazine has an interesting article about Nivaura's new owners this month:
Euro Magazine A flurry of collaborations and the acquisition of Nivaura’s technology is putting NowCM in a key position in the digital capital markets ecosystem. Its focus on real-time issuance and its ownership of a regulated marketplace may have just become even more relevant.
I have mixed feelings about this too. On one hand, it's an endorsment to our investment in Nivaura and our mystery softward code we bought from them last year. On the other hand, NowCM sounds like they could be stepping in on our turf. Are we the disruptors or is it NowCM, a private company? Or we goign to get a piece of the action?
Did they buy our investment in Nivaura too? Or is our investment now in NowCM after they acquired Nivaura? Did we get above what we carried NIvaura on our books for? Where is the MD&A?
Please don't screw this up, guys. The communication is terrible. We really, really, really need competent stock promotion. We aren't getting it. We deserve better communication. And especially much better stock promotion. If we had good stock promotion, we wouldn't have to raise capital at rock bottom prices. I'm getting pissed off.