RE:For those what weren’t bright enough to understand ?Good post and a better explanation than my rant about the fenagling that is yet to come for the conversion of all of these shares to Canopy USA.<br /> <br /> I pointed out that Schumer voted no on the bill presented to study medical benefits of marijuana for vets and had to scratch my head as to his intentions and negative vote on a "no brainer" issue that I thought had already been passed for allowing interested parties to study the science of marijuana use for health reasons.<br /> <br /> Then there was another democrat that witheld/wasted his vote on the issue that was only 3 votes from bringing in a bill that can only help to understand why veterans and others are adopting cannabinoids for medical use for pain, anxiety, pts, socialization, seizure disorders and other good benefits.<br /> <br /> I felt that Schumer was really making an honest effort to promote the pro pot cause to get some of these bills passed and his negative vote gives me reason to wonder if somebody forgot to direct some of that pot lobbying donation money to the Schumer account.<br /> <br /> Take note, invested players that political donations are how you sway votes and what harm can come from taking medical use of cannabinoids out of the dark and into the light.<br /> <br /> The MSOs and LPs need to get serious about donations to accompany their lobbying efforts. Big Pharma too!