unfolds ?
This just got unfolded and pressed into a nice tray of gold bars. Read the news, tell me what it says ? It never once said that a mill was going to be built on the actual Windfall site. The key is permitting. That is when the second 300 million kicks in. Then the shared investment for the mill ? ..its free people. Does any reader think that Gold Fields has no knowledge of 2 MILLION ounces sitting adjacent to Windfall? Did 300 million ON SIGNING just happen as a good will gesture ? No, they could have offered a buck and said $599,999,999 upon permitting, but no, they cut a cheque for 300million. So that says, John we are in, fully committed, but here is the bank roll to go knocking on doors. Do not be confused about this ONE MILL or TWO mills. They would be both set up to produce 3600t/d, if that's the plan ? that is VERY PUBLIC information, go find it, its all there. So cash flow always being the king of business, can one imagine the cash flow from 7200t/d at what ?? ...7 g/t average ..for decades ? ..Timmins has many mills running in their 100 year camp. Like always ..URBAN BARRY IS GOLD ZILLA ..and now we just got a glimpse into our very lucrative future. Under one big top it is an amazing camp ..and bought on the cheap, very cheap, a great deal for Gold Fields for certain.