RE:Lots of holes Thank you very much DAM, this website is an excellent resource!
It is great to see so many drill holes all with Gold!
Matlas hit the nail on the head with this too, we have a small highly concentrated area making the ishkoday unique and ideal for an open pit mine. While I haven't researched other miners drill hole spreads specifically I don't think it's out of the question to assume they potentially have to drill more holes as maybe their "hits" are more spread apart and not as concentrated as LMEs? For example; It's one thing to have an estimated 5m geos concentrated in a 5 square km area and a totallly different beast to have a mre with 5m geos over a much larger area, if the strikes are not as consistent or have a lowe g/t then it would make sense to have a lot more holes over a greater area. Just a thought.