Base Plant Feedstock Replacement Is Long Term Job #1 for SU
- the earlier they do it, the better and the less expensive the option
- if they let it drag on, the pressure is intense and the cost skyrockets as the prey know that SU will be in a bind
- sure, they could try to get it on the cheap on the next industry downturn but timing the market is a notoriously risky adventure
- apart from the non-starter CNQ, CVE and IMO powerhouses; the realistic options are in terms of scale:
* Surmont
* MEG Chistina Lake
* Strathcona Resources
* Greenfire Resources
- Suncor were sleeping when they could of bid for Tucker SAGD from CVE (it was sold for $ 800 million in late 2021)
^ Tucker: 30,000 bbls/d design capacity producing only about 20,000 bbls/d with 30+ years lifespan
^ Husky Energy was starving the asset as they had much bigger problems on the East Coast