Drilling deep to 550 m We know from a few drill holes that high grade sulphide gold extends well below the current pit floor.
I recall about 450,000 ounces at 2.5 gms mentioned as just below the current pit floor.
But, going to 550 m is not infill drilling but rxploration/ development drilling.
We know that almost all, if not all of current Shandong gold mines are underground mines and the spatial lithology of such gold lodes extends and beyond our two SJ mines.
Mining Depths already extend beyond 1000 m in those Shandong u/g mines so we are well positioned to open up a new mining resource for when the current open pit expansion is completed.
These new developments will be partially completed by the time of HKEX IPO so the IPO price will be much higher than our current.
Dont sell an ounce.
Over the next 1-3 years , as these developments are completed, at least a 5 bagger and perhaps a 10 bagger awaits the patient investor .