RE:Simple fact boazklinghorn wrote: If our dead wood BOD ever sacked up and replaced Gilles with literally anyone with a modicum of deal making credibility who could actually tell the CZO story to the investment community we would be pushing a dollar again in no time. Oh and as an added bonus no more Jenene. Can I get an amen?
Gilles should keep quiet and resources focused on completing the next set of strategic milestones for the pipeline which are the ones of interest to the investment community and then promote the stock. Taking up management time and resources promoting an avenanthramide pill and fibrosis treatment with no data is a waste of time and money. There is no case to promote. PGX may also be 2-3-5 years from commercialization given the risks of scale-up. CZO needs to complete this next scale-up to commercial-scale so we are on firm ground and get the deal signed with a pharma company as validation. That's what the market wants. CZO has the money for the next set of strategic milestones for the pipelne. PGX scale up is in procress. The avenanthramide pill trial has been approved with the human data now only a matter of time. The case for the fibrosis drug and clinical trial decision will be available in the summer.