Readers ..since
Well I know management of BTR, OSK and I guess now GFI read these posts, i would like to let them know ? Yes, they really need to consider the efforts of others. So with that we here know that no one has worked harder and longer on this thread than our shareless bashers, Fruit and Ts24. So MAP please consider giving them some out of the money options, as they can't get their noggin wrapped around the concept of buying low, selling high.. Well deserved guys, slow applause. AND A BIG YEEHAW TO THE NEXT GREAT CANADIAN GOLD CAMP !!! ... see OSK's deal has 75 million in drilling attached to windfall, this obviious to assess VALUE before the buyout of 50%. We should be seeing something like that soon. We know gladiator used to have lots of gold there ? Idle and Tannin and a few others said so. Who knows ? ..on the next post of Fruit, we may be advised differently ? ..maybe it's all gone ?? geesh, an INVESTOR can't catch a break around here ..