YGR vs JOYCompare. Verfiy all numbers yourself.
YGR EV= $290.275M
JOY EV= $415.891M
Q1 production pretty much equal, so decent comp here
YGR = 12.41k boe
JOY= 12.92k boe
Q1 production revenue- shows better liquids mix for JOY
YGR= $49.055M
JOY= $58.443M
Q1 Cashflow from operations--- NOT EVEN close
YGR= $33.948M
JOY= $11.46M
Q1 operating netback-- YGR mops the floor with them- despite lower liquids mix
YGR= $30.84/boe
JOY= $19.04/boe
Q1 Capex- We all know YGR way higher.
YGR= $32.5M
JOY= $6.8M
Decomissioning Liability costs- Had to look to JOY MDA as not published with the fin's... I wonder why?
YGR= $15M
I don't like JOY and I never have. Viewed through my eyes, market is missing YGR efficiencies past, present and future. I guess we will have to see if I'm right