Wow! I didn't see that double whammy comingFor the longest of time ( decade or more) NPI together with FTS and AQN were among my bread and butter holdings. With DRIPs and healthy dividends they flourished obliging me to trim from time to time. Sometimes a singular event occurs and forces you to re-evaluate. In the case of AQN it was a dire winter in Texas, Ted Cruz was hammered in his Bermuda shorts in Cancun, and the company declared force majeure. I dumped my entire AQN holding around $21. There was no single event for NPI and nor did I think management was to blame, but other investments were more attractive over the past two years. I sold my last 1k NPI shares last August. I still hold FTS and pleased with its sturdy endurance but hold less than half of what I had once. Sometimes one has to look at one's favourite stocks and act on your gut. Keep in mind that at the best of times we are making decisions in the penumbra of whatever management or analysts choose to disclose.
I wish you all the best and especially Baywall whose posts are usually informative.