Massive OutperformerBirchCliff 6month: -32% 1Yr: -26%
Nuvista 6month: -20% 1Yr: -8%
Advantage 6month: -39% 1Yr: -29%
Tourmaline 6month: -30% 1Yr: -18.5%
Tamarack Valley 6month: -38% 1Yr: -26%
ARX: 6month: -9.5% 1Yr:+1.9%
The time for whining about bad hedging is behind us. WE got what we were driving for, a meaningful rerating of ARX's BOE's to be better inline with other companies. The market is waking up to the quality of the asset bases and managments ability to unlock shareholder value over the long term. Compounding effects of share buybacks will continue to reward share holders. Attachie slated to come online exactly when north american nat gas takeway capacity is set to expand. Stars are aligning for ARX to be an out performer, and the SP is already reflecting it.