You really don't get it Fruit .. the longs here are going to make lots of money. Everyone I know has averaged down, which is a tried and true method of INVESTING. You should try it, it beats buy high, sell low, all day long. But how you preceive the world around you? is your world. I am sure on this Mothers Day, your mom is proud of you. The sparkle in her eye knowing that her boy is so productive spending hours a day writing on a stock thread he don't own any shares of, a real life white knight. Her other son, with Down's syndrome get a big smile, knowing that he is the blessing in her life, as she knows her son named Fruit, is terribly handicapped. Sorry for the hand life dealt you Fruit, it's not your fault.. be sure she still loves ya. But as we celebrate Mom's today, be assured there is one Mother of a monster bubbling up in Urban Barry, the news last week, the BTR presentation have laid it all before every reader. Not much more to be said, other than get in the game, or watch from the sideline. yeehaw for OSK, BTR and our new Granddaddy Gold Fields ..