Some of you guys are downright.........Hilarious to downright REDiculous with some of your insights, knowledge AND comments. Some folks i can't really blame like JJ2351 because of experience or a complete lack of knowledge BUT others like that pumper Inspector Douche90210 thinking BerkshireH would be even remotely interested in a total risky spec junior play liike Athabasca Salsa Sauce all the way up North in the Frozen tundra in BEYOND THE REdiculous.........Just show how desperate these pumpers are and to what extremely they are willing to go to deceive investors.........complete fool & shytersw these folks.....
JR2351 wrote:
"Suncor plans to dominate the oil sands could include a look at ATH. I'm just thinking out loud but they have been buying into oil sands since last year. A offer of $4.75 sounds good to me"
Dear JR and Sir.........not sure if you wrote this by mistake or by simply a total lack of knowledge of the sector, BUT that is never gonna happen a THOSE prices. Though you are somewhat correct that Sucor is "looking to dominate the oil sands", this isn completely accurate. Yes Sunor is going" ALL IN" in the oil sands BUT that's more out of necessity and lack of options than anything else, because they have no other choice. It's not like Suncor can easily pivot into somethine else, they can't.
So yes they will be looking to acquire MORE OIL Sanda assets at REASONABLE prices BUT NOT at the the levels ATH is trading at. Suncor isn't on the business of grossly overpaying for assets that "may" fit into their plans. And at $4.75 LMAO.....that's not only completely REDiculous, which would imply Suncor paying over $100K per flowing barrel for an Oil Sands op like ATH, BUT that they would acquire ATH as is with many other assets they don't NEED or WANT. AS is Ath has no chance of being acquire by anyone, but split the company into two divsions, Thermal & Conventional, and you MIGHT get a few bites & takers.....who would.
AS for THIS guy........LOL
Deuche90210 wrote:
Sometimes I get a strange sense that Berkshire Hathaway would be a buyer. I realize that it is a slim chance. But ATH seems to be that company, that meets their Alpine standards.
Looks like inspector Deuch posted another one of his famous luminous enlightening posts which can be laughed out of exsitance bat first sight. BerkshifreH? Really? Is that the best pump you can come up with LOL? You're not even good at pumping let alone being an inversotr lol. IF you want to seem credible & deceive naive investors, you can at least be a little more convicing & come up with something more viable and reasonable lol. ANd that's NOT BerkshireH LMAO. So let's Give inaspector Deuche here another F for FAIL.
For folks who don't know WHO BerkshireH is, you should all do some quick DD to find out WHO they are. Once you've done that you'll realize just how ludicruous & REDiculous the comments being made by inspector Deuche really are. Inspector Deche most come from, the same Clown College as his bossom buddies KimboSlice & Maxwell Schmoe. All graduates and allums and certified clowns.
AS for BerkshireH acquiring The Salsa master, the chances of that happening are from nil to NONE, ZerO, NADA. Not one chnace in whatever hell you come from. Why? Because for one, BerkshireH just like Sucor are NOT in the business of overpaying for assets. And not even that good assets either. Secondly, BerskshireH is also not in the business of acquiring expensive non accretive specualtive junior assets all the way up North in the Canadian Frozen Tundra LOL. And if Berkshifre wants OIL Sands, which i HIGHLY doubt Mr. Buffet does as he's a prmoninent proponent of ESG mandates btw, but if he were interested, it wouldn't be someone insignificant like Athabasca Salsa Sauce. Mr. Buffet would go for one of the TOP dogs like a profitable, stable, low risk entity like Suncor or Cenovus.
Maybe our dear friend inspector Deuche90210 got confused like poor old Crazy Sleepy Joe and got Mr. Buffet mixed up with Mr. Buffer.....but even then unless he's expecting ATH VS Tyson in a potential boxing matchup i personally see NO other possible connection. Do yoursleves a favor folks, whatever nonsense guys like inspector Deuche or anyone else of these bozos post, just laugh at it and dismiss completely. At least they are good for a few laughs........