RE:RE:More "issues" for Suncor....? Trust me Experienced when it tell you that im NO FAN or endorser of crazy ideas like building & Wind Farms. I think they're the most over hyped and a complete waste of space, materials and time than ANYTHING else in the energy space........including the toxic coal mining industry! But as the reality of things currently are.......this world is FULL of loonies, whether completely uneducated, ill informed idiots/morons or totally brainwashed. totally woke top level crazy academics with personal agendas who STILL endorse stuff like the viability of Wind Farms. So you're preaching to the choir here with me as do agree Wind Farms is NOT the way........
But with that said & aside, i do hope you see there's a SIGNIFICANT difference here that most of the "regular" population will not agree with you. It's one thing for a bird to "blindly" fly towards their death head on into the blades of a spinning Wind farm.......BUT it is TOTALLY different when a "water foul" end up drowning or dead by being drenched in thick toxic black goo coming from a nearby Oil Sand operation which is leaking toxic elements......
So though i undesrand the point you're trying to make, and i see & agree to a certain point (because i am one of those VERY few with an open mind & quite perceptive & highly intelligent without an ounce of of ignorance or a certain personal agenda 8), most of the populous or the "average folk" in Canada, (as well as in the US btw) will not see that way. They will just the remaining parts of that one bird that stupidly flew into fans of the Wf and say "oh that's so sad!" AND then see that other bird covered in toxic smelling sludge and say " Oh the travesity poor thing we must get justice for it!!" by painting companies like Suncor as a vile villan & culprit looking for blood trying to cancel their butts........
So it's not really about numbers or the end being the same, it's how they get to their end that really matters for them. That's Just how the world works AND thinks..... now a days......