RE:RE:RE:Sidebet here for you
idle ..did we get our true value on the OSK merger ? ..I have shares, you do. The answer should be on the surface NO WE DID NOT GET TRUE VALUE !! WE GOT 300 MILLION ..300 MILLION WHEN THE MILL PERMITS ARRIVE ..THEN WE GIVE IT BACK 600 MILLION TO SPLIT THE COST OF A MILL ? ..That looks sad to me .. SO WHEN IS THE TRUE VALUE COMING ? IT IS COMING ON THE HEELS OF THE VALUE OF 50% OF THE CAMP AFTER 75 MILLION IN DRILLING IS DONE. That drilling is going to identify Windfall, Gladiator, and all the other zones they know there is gold. This is going under one roof ..and it will be world class as windfall already is. But that is the start .. Readers already can see the MAP .. the trends are long and yet to be drilled deep per SUDS in the OSK model. Fruit is here for a reason ..and its not to help us .. and he is senior staff over at DUDS, his model of investing .. especially his tried and true method of buy high, sell low...gotta luv that one ..