MugsWhat a farce as you said ,analysts that get paid to be so wrong as it makes them look actually stupid. The more stupid is those that pay them to be that wrong and mislead investors.Add the EIA which like the Nweatherman and the analysts rarely get it right 50% of the time. Their need prediction that due to Biden' and Market manipulators that they won't cut again is in my thinking a loser bet. I figure the Saudis have absolute contempt for the current US regime and are more concerned about their own well being. They alre smart enough to remember the hit they took pursuing a strategy of curtailing US shale , that cost them probably a trillion or more in l dare you dare stupidity. We have driving season on the doorstep the fact that a Dem idiot deleted the SPR by around 250 million barrels. That Navajo is the equivalent of a million a day for two thirds of al year not if
But when that loser decides that strategic policies override him and his party getting reelected. US politics the most disgusting form of what they call democracy , l doubt the Founding Father's dreamed for a minute how screwed up their system has become. Like 3rd world nations , they can't run an election in a day without childish drama. So my conclusion and while l don't agree 100% with Eric N , l do believe oil is going higher by at least $10 to $20 a barrel and all those smart enough to hold or add more will be rewarded and let's not forget our dividend , derided by some but l look at it as important especially if reinvested for more shares at lower prices. Nothing new in simple math and betting on a commodity crucial to survival as we know it today.