Exhausting all possibilityjaune chien is sucking the marrow from BlackBerry as you read.
The chef exit office r has failed to build a team, hired and fired numberous sales presidents, spent like a drunken sailor on a half baked technology that cost another $1/2B to make functional in the walled environment he architected.
The last straw will be the Morgan Stanley business review.
Beware the outcome of the review as it will likely present outcomes that will benefit future owners while current shareholders are sat in a corner ballgagged to watch a break up, epic feeding frenzy for the parts.
Company like Nvidia could take the whole thing, grab the quantum, cyber, IoT and phone after selling off UEM to a defense contractor.
Apple, well phone tech, car tech, IoT, further secure their users more than the push over the past year... Apple could swallow up BlackBerry whole, add a bunch of foundational features that few appreciate but long term add a global doubling of market penetration.
The chef exit office rs closing months are charging forward, he has $69M more value to unlock from his Fired or Acquired Employment Contract and MS are the key at this late stage... beware the suggestions as I suspect they will generally serve few well.
Best thing for any shareholder of BB is vote cohn jhen from his executive seat on the BoD. This will force the BoD to provide him a Guest seat on the BoD as the Executive Chair... you see, the Executive Seat is part and parcel of his Employment Contract... if he is not on the BoD in the Executive Seat he receives $69M more. The sheer largess of the Employment Contract, the inability of the BoD to realistically afford to deal with the continued missed guidance because the c e o spent all the funds on stuff that hasn't or will not payoff.
Bottom line Gone When has failed to deliver revenue, profitability, share buy back programs, develop a compete team nor capitalize upon the Facebook legal matter that gave BB a win in Germany and Team of Lawyers Ball Gag on what ever was decided to offset Facebooks use of patent technology to wipe BBM from the planet using BBM patents and aiding to eliminate BB10.
Gone When has not been a friend to shareholders, instead of building value he has focused upon attaining his contracted Bonus objectives due and done November 13, 2023.
The management team con jehn has surrounded himself with have failed to achieve... come November, possibly prior to the date do not be surprised to see scores of his people jump ship as their gravy train will cease to exits in short order.
People like the HR lady must go. Between her and Gone When they have continually reduced Human Capital (head count) even though the c e o said they were hiring. Last year along anothe 5% reduction, 144 bodies.
But the bigger story is IoT hired 60 or 70 in Hyderbad with all told by Mattias 12% more, which means Giomatti has axed 400 or so in Cyber.
So, the next time j c says he is hiring and buying back shares, and growing Cylance 28% and BlackBerry 8- 10%, closing a Patent Sale for $600M, err $170M, know the bull$hit is deep and when MS come with their recommendations expect them to have a quick fix option that will allow Gone When to collect $69M more revenue depleted, profitless dollars.
Unless Nvidia or Microsoft or Apple or ______________ come knocking with their plans for revenue growth using BlackBerry technologies, know Gone When has spent it all with nothing but engineering successes and kudos from organizations that like glossy magazines profit from shoring up failures like John Chen's BlackBerry.