Almost June, No News, Time for a Generic E-mail To RockcliffTired of waiting? I sent another query to the company.
"Two whom it may concern (if anyone is still working at Rockcliff Metals):
On behalf of Rockcliff Shareholders:
It is almost June and there has been no update with respect to the Winter drilling campaign, as yet. Is there a reason for the unusual delay? Shareholders are concerned. Some are selling out of fear. The unknown is a great barrier that only the bravest of souls may choose to cross.
We would like to encourage more share purchasers, so the share price might rise, rather than fall!
So should you!
We deserve an update. Get on with it!
All the best,
Yours Truly"
What else could I say? It been as quiet as a tomb!
Only the dead, tell no tales!
It is the responsibility of the company managers to keep their shareholders informed!
All the best! Java